Thursday, June 28, 2007

rasi, tasi ,natsi...........and the NEW HERO

rasi, tasi, natsi, scn, sn, sno .... And there are pi, XIST, PINC ..

These are all growing RNA-tailed acronyms. Wings of our new hero in the limelight, RNA.

What is the RNA revolution about ? The Economist unravels it here, here and here .

Endogenous trans-acting siRNA(tasiRNA), repeat-associated siRNA (rasiRNA),
smallscan RNA (scnRNA) ,tiny noncoding RNA(tncRNA) small modulatory RNA (smRNA) and many such small RNA's mediate gene silencing .

But in all this excitement and adulation, poor proteins are still waiting in the wings — unhonoured, unsung. says Dr.Balasubramanium.

Truely,RNA is not just a ferryman.