Saturday, September 3, 2011

What makes an exemplary teacher?

What makes an exemplary teacher?
In a study on creativity, psychologist Csikszentmihalyi finds that while a “school itself rarely gets mentioned as a source of inspiration, individual teachers often awaken, sustain, or direct a child's interest”. Teachers who kindle a spark in their students, first and foremost, notice them as individuals, believe in their abilities and genuinely care about their charges. Further, these teachers challenge students without making lessons too boring or frustrating. Another study by Marica Gentry and colleagues indicates that a teacher's enthusiasm, ability to give concrete feedback and knowledge of a subject are essential for motivating students. Most importantly, an exemplary teacher coaxes the high-performers to straddle great heights while also encouraging those who struggle to maximise their potential. Finally, an outstanding teacher leads by example. As the American psychiatrist Karl Menninger says, “What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches.”